Winfred A. Torgby

Winfred is the Lead Consultant of DAB Consult, he has over twenty years of professional experience in business planning, feasibility studies, financial modelling and investment analysis, business valuation, due diligence, strategic planning, organisational development, institutional health, assessment and strengthening, process improvement and re-engineering and project management. His social development expertise spans across programme review and evaluation (both mid-term and end of programme evaluation), baseline studies and situational assessment, project design and implementation, impact assessment review, and independent verifications of projects/program outcomes. He is the lead facilitator of the DAB Consult thought leadership capacity development modules. He has provided leadership to deliver on different assignments for donor organisations such as the World Bank, International Finance Corporations, DANIDA, DFID, USAID & EU, KOICA, Agence Francaise de Developpement, and AUSAID etc. Among some of the donor projects are USAID Financing Ghana’s Agriculture Project (USAID FinGap), USAID Trade and Investment Project (Trade Hub), USAID Ghana Poultry Project, Business Sector Advocacy Challenge Fund (BUSAC Fund) etc.

International Non Governmental Organisations, (INGOs) which he has led various teams to provide consulting assistance to include, Plan international Ghana, Action Aid Ghana, Techno Serve Ghana, World Vision international and Christian Aid Ghana among others. Some of the Local Non governmental Organisations (LNGOs) that he has provided leadership for delivery of assignments include EMPRETEC Ghana, Coalition for the Advancement of Organic Farming and Ghana Trade and livelihood Coalition, Tropical Oak Social Development Centre etc.

The prominent MMDAs he has provided services to include Ministry of Education/Ghana Education Services, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, National Commission for Civic Education, National Disaster Management Organisation, Ghana Shippers Council, Land Administration Projects(Phase I ) - Ministry of Lands and Nutural Resources and District assemblies across country. Winfred has also been included in teams that provided services to General Electric, Social Security and National investment Trust (SSNIT), Lymphatic Filariasis Support Centre for Africa (LFSCA) and DANIDA RUF Project by the Noguchi Institute for Medical Research, University of Ghana.

He has also led teams to provide services to private sector businesses across various sectors including health, education, agriculture, environmental (water, sanitation and climate change), banking and finance including microfinance, energy, oil and gas, telecommunication, hotel and tourism, construction and infrastructure development, water, manufacturing, among others.

Winfred holds MSc, Finance from the Graduate School of Business, Goteborg University, Sweden and BSc. Administration from the University of Ghana, Legon. He is also a Project Management Professional and has also undertaken a competence-based course in Social Research (Data Management and Analysis, SPSS, Epi Info, and Ms Access) organised by the Institute of Statistic, Social and Economic Research (ISSER) of the University of Ghana. He is a Member of the Africa Evaluation Association and the Ghana Monitoring and Evaluation Forum. He has also undertaken numerous competency based training both locally and abroad.