Our clients

Our client’s cuts across different sectors and industries, these include Ministries, Municipals, Departments and Agencies (MMDA’s), donor projects, International and Local Non Governmental Organizations, multinational companies and private businesses. Most prominent among them are:

  • Ministry of Education/Ghana Education Services
  • Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development
  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
  • British American Tobacco
  • USAID Financing Ghana’s Agriculture Project (USAID FinGap)
  • USAID Trade and Investment Project (Trade Hub)
  • USAID Ghana Poultry Project
  • Plan International Ghana
  • Action Aid Ghana
  • Business Advocacy Challenge Fund (BUSAC Fund)
  • Techno Serve Ghana
  • EMPRETEC Ghana
  • Coalition for the Advancement of Organic Farming (CAOF)/Christian Aid Ghana
  • Ghana Trade and livelihood Coalition /Christian aid Ghana
  • Ghana Skills and Technology Development Project (GSTDP) /Council for Technical and Vocational Education Training (COTVET)
  • Numerous local companies across various sectors